On December 11, 2021, President Yoweri Museveni launched East African Medical Vitals(EAMV)a local Ugandan company that manufactures high quality, latex, powder-free medical gloves(examination and surgical), vital medical consumables in health facilities, and regional medical supplies solutions and partner for East & Central Africa set to benefit the smallest clinic to the largest referral hospital in the region.
The East African Medical Vitals(EAMV) located in Namanve will be supplying consumables for all healthcare facilities, boosting the continent’s medical care capacity, saving the lives of our loved ones, and improving the skills and work environments of our health staff. #EAMVLaunch.
Currently, East African Medical Vitals(EAMV) employs 198 Ugandans, with 6 expatriates on site. The production capacity of the factory is 95million gloves. Plans are underway to increase this capacity to 760 Million gloves annually.
According to the directive by President Yoweri Museveni to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives plus the Ministry of Agriculture to find land to facilitate the growing of rubber which is an essential raw material for the production of medical supplies.
“The Minister of Industry should be in touch with Agriculture about the growing of rubber. Because, this is the linkage – the rubber which is agriculture, links up with the oil industry, the factory links up with the health sector, etc,” Yoweri Museveni said.