Pallaso donates UGX7.5m to struggling Oscar BigTym and Ghetto Kids
Pallaso exhibits big heart, he donated all the money he received from Fans.

Pallaso has once again exhibited his charitable heart when he donated all the money he received from the fundraising to him fellow artistes. He collected 5.4M and has donated more than 7.5M Oscar BigTym and Ghetto Kids
From the 4.5M that Pallaso collected from his Fans, he donated 1M to Ray Bigtym who had recently appeared not happy for may years of struggling financially and Pallaso had to come to his rescue. and Pallaso had to top up from the remaining 4.4M to make 7.5M and gave it to Ghetto Kids.
Ray Bigtym who was battling with illness needed funds to facilitate his medication and Pallaso cane to rescue, how ever to the Gheto kids, Pallaso donated because he has been a long time fan to the Kid’s dance group and also needed to give the with what could help them when the school resumes the fact that most of these Kids are still in school.