
Joe Biden Becomes the elected 46th President of The United States

Joe Biden defeats Donald Trump, elected 46th President of The United States, Kamala Harris first woman elected Vice-President

World leaders congratulated president-elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their election victory, even though Donald Trump, with whom several heads of state have had rocky relations, had yet to concede

  • Democrat Joe Biden has won the Presidency after flipping the state of Pennsylvania blue and claiming more than the 270 Electoral College votes required for the White House.
  • Kamala Harris will become the first black woman to become Vice-President of the United States.
  • The AP called the result about 3.30am AEDT. Fox News was the last network to declare the result in Biden’s favour.
  • Donald Trump becomes the first president to be denied a second term since 1992.
  • Trump was at his golf course when the result was declared. He refused to concede and vowed to fight the outcome in court

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